UPCOMING Continuing Education: September 18, 2024
Canine and Feline Ocular Neoplasms
Our upcoming CE is presented by, Zachary Badanes, DVM, DACVO, Wednesday, September 18, 2024 from 6:30pm – 9:00pm.
This presentation is designed to provide an overview of the most common occuring neoplasms encountered in dogs and cats. The talk will cover the most common eyelid, intraocular, and orbital tumors diagnosed in small animal patients. In addition, there will be a discussion on diagnostic techniques, medical and surgical treatment options, and prognosis.
Learning Objectives:
- Know when to consider surgical excision for periocular and eyelid margin masses.
- Understand the prognosis and surgical options for canine and feline eyelid/conjunctival mast cell tumors.
- Differentials and prognosis for third eyelid gland tumors.
- How to clinically diagnose feline diffuse iris melanoma and recognize when iris pigmentation has progressed to neoplasia.
- When to consider enucleation for feline diffuse iris melanoma.
- Be able to recognize dog breeds predisposed to melanocytic ocular neoplasia.
- Distinguish between clinical signs of orbital neoplasia, abscess/cellulitis, and glaucoma.
- Be able to list differentials and diagnostic recommendations for orbital disease in dogs and cats.
This lecture provides 1 credit of complimentary RACE-approved CE to veterinarians and veterinary technicians.
Maggiano’s Little Italy
160 N Gulph Rd Suite 205
King of Prussia, PA 19406
Please RSVP by Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
If you have questions, please contact our Referral Relationship Manager, Jill Graff at (610) 647-2950 ext 134 or email jill.graff@vrcmalvern.com.