After Suffering From A Fractured Spine, This Puppy Learns To Walk With Help From A Rehab Nurse
On March 14th, 2020, little Sharkie was rescued from a puppy mill and brought to VRC. He was unable to walk and could not stand without falling over. After running diagnostics, it was discovered that Sharkie was suffering from a fractured spine. Luckily, VRC’s Physical Rehabilitation nurse, Ash, took Sharkie in as a foster and started working with him to gain his strength and learn to walk.
Over the course of several weeks, Sharkie has grown much stronger thanks to Ash’s rehabilitation skills. From cones and cavalettis to an underwater treadmill and tennis balls, Sharkie is mastering it all.
Update (5/21/2020): Nurse Ash officially adopted Sharkie and welcomed him into her home!