Uses the ancient art & science of Chinese medicine to restore balance to the body. The Chinese diagnosis dictates the specific placement of fine needles used to treat a variety of conditions including orthopedic, neurological, and systemic conditions.
We can help with taking measurements and making adjustments for the following:
Each client receives a home exercise program tailored to their pet’s specific needs. Clients have access to a portal, which includes a list of prescribed exercises with detailed instructions, as well as instructional videos of each exercise prescribed.
Electrical stimulation can be used to re-educate muscles that have atrophied or to reduce pain and spasms.
This noninvasive therapy uses light at specific wavelengths that stimulate the body to decrease pain and inflammation and promote healing.
Massage is used to increase blood flow, and the circulation of fluids in the body to flush toxins, resulting in increased flexibility and decreased muscle tension. This is beneficial in injury recovery, geriatric patients, and athletes.
Please contact our Rehabilitation Team for more details and to find out how we can help your pet.