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News and Events

February – Pet Dental Health Month

VRC.5.15_0865February is Pet Dental Health Month, a time to reflect on an important health issue in our pets that often escapes our detection.

1) Pets Are Genetically Programmed  To Hide Pain & Disease 

Everyone knows that one painful tooth can certainly ruin your whole day and mood. But did you know that smoldering periodontal disease is also a stressor on organ health, and that our pets rarely give clear signs of serious disease? Dogs and cats are genetically and behaviorally programmed to conceal their illness, so as not to ever appear weak or vulnerable. Of course there are some pets who, like people, will “complain” about oral disease, but mostly you will have no clues until there is severe oral malodor, bleeding, swelling of the face, tooth mobility, or even a spontaneously broken jaw due to insidious chronic loss of tooth supporting bone, or what is called periodontal disease.

2) 85% of Older Dogs & Cats Have Periodontal Disease

By 3 years of age about 85% of dogs and cats have some level of periodontal disease. This may also be accompanied by periodontitis, meaning inflammation and swelling of the gingiva (gums). Other times, inflammation is hidden under normal appearing gingiva and left untreated, the progression of bone loss can occur in just a few years. Most pet owners think there must be gingival recession visible before teeth can become loose or seriously diseased. In fact, of the four tissues that support a tooth, bone is the most labile or changeable and the one that can melt away the quickest from inflammation, even under normal looking gingiva!

3) 1/3 of Dogs Have Chipped or Fractured Teeth:

About a third of dogs have chipped or fractured teeth, often from aggressive chewing of hard materials. A fractured tooth is sensitive, and may expose the pulp cavity containing the live neurovascular supply. A deep fracture leads to tooth infection, and a tooth root abscess. Dental X-rays are required to diagnose this endodontic disease. Treatment is either extraction of the abscessed tooth and all roots or root canal therapy.

To fully diagnose dental disease, your veterinarian must perform dental probing and dental x-rays, just as your dentist does for you. With pets, this is done during carefully monitored anesthesia. Current drug protocols and monitoring procedures have made modern anesthesia extremely safe. Dr. Blazejewski performs many anesthetic procedures on old and medically fragile dogs and cats whose lives are totally transformed for the better after having their dental disease treated.

What You Need to Know About Pet Rehab

pet rehabilitation therapyBodies are complicated, amazing machines. Just take a moment to think about all they do, every day, consciously and unconsciously. Whether they’re moving—running, jumping, playing—or sitting still, or resting, bodies are also unconsciously breathing, digesting, pumping blood… the list goes on.

But the truth is, all machines, no matter how astonishing or efficient they might be, break down from time to time or wear out with age. That’s why physical rehabilitation exists.

We used to think that after an injury or as bodies aged, resting was the best course of action for a speedy recovery. Now, we know so much more! These days, physical rehabilitation. is designed to help bodies recover and thrive after accidents or surgery, or maintain (or even gain!) strength as they get older.

Physical rehabilitation improves lives by helping to reduce pain, preventing future injuries, and improving range of motion. But just in case you were thinking we were talking about human bodies, we’re not! Physical rehabilitation can help your pet, as well!

Just like us, our pets are living longer these days, with all the wonderful advances being made in veterinary science every year and improvements in our general understanding of things like aging, nutritional science, and the various stresses the world puts on our bodies. But, as we all know, living longer means… well… aging. Stiff joints, surgeries, and changing nutritional needs affect us all, human and animal alike. And that’s where physical rehabilitation comes in!

Pet Rehab at VRC

Here at VRC, we’re your Malvern veterinary hospital, especially when it comes to pet rehabilitation in the Philadelphia area. We’re proud to have Dr. Elizabeth Perone on staff directing our rehab services. A former emergency vet, Dr. Perone has shifted away from emergency care for pets and toward a focus on rehab for animals. She’s certified in canine rehabilitation, has advanced knowledge of pet acupuncture, and is a member of both the American Association of Rehabilitation Veterinarians and the International Veterinary Academy of Pain Management. She’s even certified in canine sports massage!

Dr. Perone and her staff are dedicated to helping improve your pet’s quality of life via physical rehabilitation, whether your furry friend is an athlete, injured, or simply naturally aging. At VRC, we take into account the unique concerns that arise for every animal to determine the specific kind of physical rehabilitation your pet needs.

We keep up to date with the latest techniques to provide the best experience possible for your devoted companion. Whether your pet needs laser therapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, or just a few massages and some fun sessions in our canine gym, we’re certain we have what your pet needs to feel safe, comfortable, and relaxed—and walk (or maybe leap or bound!) away feeling ever so much better than they did.

Contact our Rehabilitation Team today for more details about how our advanced rehabilitation techniques can help your pet. VRC in Malvern, PA is a specialty veterinary health care clinic for your pet in the Philadelphia area. Give us a call at (610) 647-2950, 24/7, 365 days a year.

Frequently Asked Questions

Department of Radiation Oncology



Will the radiation treatments burn my pet’s skin?

Radiation does not cause thermal injury to the skin. What we may see with radiation patients that have a tumor near the skin’s surface is called “moist desquamation.” Think back to a time that you skinned your knee on the sidewalk when you were playing as a child. The healthy, pink tissue that was exposed gave off a fluid (plasma) that hardened into a crust (scab). With radiation therapy, there is a mild amount of inflammation associated with this same change in the skin surface. Patients benefit from an oral anti-inflammatory medication, which we start at the beginning of treatment.

Moist desquamation is usually observed near the end of radiation therapy, and is generally healed within 2-3 weeks after treatments have completed. It is important to note that this skin effect only happens when surface tissues are targeted for radiation therapy – the same is not true for skin over tumors located deeper in the body.

Is radiation therapy painful?

Radiation therapy is not painful. The overall radiation dose prescribed is divided into small, daily or weekly treatments. Because there is no pain associated with the treatments, we use sedation or light anesthesia only to ensure that there is limited movement during treatment.

Will radiation treatment of my pet have effects on me/my children?

Unlike radiation treatments for a small subset of human and animal cancers, where radiopharmaceuticals (radioactive molecules in liquid form given by injection) are used for treatment, the radiation treatments at VRC are given using “external beam radiation.”  These treatments are provided by a machine called a linear accelerator, which is a high-power x-ray tube. Similar to creating x-ray pictures, radiation is only given to the patient when the machine is on. When this machine is off, there is no radiation emitted, and no radioactivity is found at the treatment site on the patient. Feel free to cuddle and play with your pet just as you did before (s)he started radiation treatment.

Can my older pet tolerate multiple days of sedation/anesthesia?

A common phrase in veterinary medicine is “age is not a disease.” As we are more likely to diagnose cancer in older patients, the majority of patients undergoing radiation treatments are advanced in age. Checking baseline blood work is one measure we take to assess individual blood cell lines and organ health, ensuring our patients stay safe during procedures. More than likely, if the results are within normal ranges, your pet will be able to handle the medications we prescribe.

To further ensure safety under sedation or anesthesia, it may be recommended that your pet have chest x-rays or a heart ultrasound. Between the blood work and imaging studies, even mild changes that may be detected in the organs do not prevent treatment, as using sedation or anesthetic medications that are friendly to specific organs is easily accomplished.

Will my pet become sick from radiation therapy?

Radiation therapy is a localized treatment, so your pet should not experience vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, or other signs of general illness as a direct result of the radiation treatments. Because of daily sedation or anesthesia, your pet may become tired near the end of each week during treatment. Some patients may seem a little tired and play less for 2-3 weeks after radiation therapy; however, most clients tell us that their pets act like a puppy or kitten again, even during treatment.

How long do radiation treatments take?

Overall treatment time is only 10-15 minutes. However, patients typically spend 1.5 to 2 hours with us each day of treatment. During this time, your pet received a daily physical exam, including an updated body weight assessment, a radiation treatment, and supervised recovery from sedation of anesthesia. If the location of your home does not allow for daily travel to our hospital, we offer boarding options for your pet.

What is the difference between definitive and palliative radiation therapy?

Definitive radiation therapy is given as daily treatments over 16-20 days, Monday through Friday. This protocol includes a higher overall dose of radiation for better tumor control, and for certain cancers, a cure.

Palliative therapy is reserved for patients who have a cancer that cannot be completely cured due to a variety of reasons. The goals of palliative radiation therapy are to reduce pain, decrease tumor size, and improve the quality of life for the time an animal has left. Palliative radiation therapy is given as once weekly treatments over four weeks, or daily treatments during one week. The overall prescribed radiation dose is lower as compared to definitive radiation, and palliative radiation offers a chance to treat with positive benefit when a complete cure is not possible.

Radiation Therapy at VRC

When you hear about radiation therapy, your mind may be brought to images of the Toxic Avenger, or news stories about victims of radiation accidents. Radiation therapy and how it works may seem like a mystery, and mystery can lead to apprehension. Rest assured that this treatment for cancer has evolved along with many advances in technology, resulting in highly accurate and safe treatments.

One main goal of radiation therapy is to deposit high doses of radiation in the unwanted tumor tissue, while exposing the surrounding normal tissue to the least amount of radiation possible. It is the normal tissues in the treatment area that limit the overall dose of radiation that we can safely prescribe. Quality of life is of utmost importance, and so the way radiation treatments are planned is to limit the number and severity of radiation side effects as much as possible. As with other treatments in veterinary medicine, there are side effects that must be managed to provide the best experience for the patient.

Perhaps you have heard of “radiation burns” from previous accounts of treatment with radiation therapy. This is a bit of a misnomer, as radiation does not incite a thermal injury. Rather, if tissues close to the skin surface experience some radiation dose, we get what is called “moist desquamation”.

Moist desquamation is when the lower layer of skin cells are affected on the first day of radiation therapy, and it typically takes these cells three or four weeks to rise to the surface during natural skin replenishment. When these cells reach the surface, they turn wet and fall off in a layer, leaving the underlying pink, healthy tissues. This is similar to if you’ve ever scraped your knee on asphalt: the underlying pink tissue gives off a fluid (plasma) that hardens into a crust (scab).

Moist desquamation may occur with mild inflammation. Our patients at VRC are prescribed a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) and other low-dose pain medication to help with comfort while this early radiation side effect heals. Whether treated or not, most early effects of radiation therapy are healed within two-to-three weeks after treatment. It has been found that daily cleansing of the radiation site will help to hydrate the crusts that form and allow them to exfoliate naturally, accelerating the healing process.

Many accounts of “radiation burns” from therapeutic radiation come from older treatment plans using orthovoltage. This treatment modality utilized a lower energy beam that had higher radiation dose deposition in skin and preferential radiation dose absorption by bone. The early radiation effects from orthovoltage treatment included severe inflammation of the skin, while the late side effects (effects present 6 months after radiation therapy) included death of bone tissue, scarring of soft tissues, and secondary tumor formation. With the advent of the linear accelerator, which treats with a higher energy radiation beam (megavoltage), there is a skin sparing effect and no preferential bone absorption of radiation dose. This is why our patients look so good after treatment!

Another way to limit radiation dose to the normal surrounding tissues is to dose radiation over multiple beams from different angles. The multiple beams converge on the treated tumor, while the surrounding tissues experience a fraction of the dose. High dose conformity over the tumor is further enhanced by planning with Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT), which uses individual lead leaves in the machine’s radiation window that are in constant motion during treatment. This action shapes the radiation field, “painting” the dose across the tumor and sparing more normal tissue than is possible with conventional radiation planning. IMRT can be used with nasal tumors, heart base tumors, prostate tumors, and more tumor types are being added to the list.

To learn more about Radiation Therapy at VRC or any other services that we offer, please give us a call at 610-647-2950 or email us at